Medical Cards / GP visit cards
Everyone aged 70 or over who applies for a medical card is subject to a means test. Read the National Assessment Guidelines
Since 5th August 2015 everyone aged 70 or over, ordinarily resident in Ireland, is eligible for free GP care regardless of income.
All people aged 70 or over who do not have a Medical Card or GP Visit card can register to access this service.
Register online by clicking HERE or download the registration form.
Read more about GP Visit Card Over 70s
Since 11 September 2023, certain people under 70 who qualify are eligible for a GP Visit Card. For information on this category, visit the Citizens Information web page on the topic: HERE
Medical Card Applications for everyone in this age group are now processed centrally at Client Registration Service, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Information is available on the HSE website and from the Client Registration office on Call Save 1890 252 919 or you can read more from the options below:
Over 70s Medical Card GP Visit Card Application Form Jan 2015
Over 70 National Assessment Guidelines June 2016
Your Guide to Medical Cards
A Medical Card is a plastic card, about the size of a credit card, issued by the HSE. People who hold a Medical Card are entitled to a range of Health Services free of charge.
What Health Services are available Free of Charge if I have a Medical Card?
- You are entitled to the following services if you have a Medical Card:
- Doctor Visits – a range of family doctor or GP services from a chosen doctor contracted to the HSE in your local area;
- Prescription Medicines: The supply of prescribed approved medicines, aids and appliances like wheelchairs, crutches etc. In some circumstances a deposit may be required for aids and appliances which will be refunded on return of the aid or appliance. A €2.50 charge applies to all prescription medicines dispensed to medical card patients;
- Certain Dental, Ophthalmic (Eye), and Aural (Ear) health services;
- Hospital Care – all in-patient services in public wards in public hospitals, including public consultant services;
- Hospital Visits – All out-patient services in public hospitals, including public consultant services;
- Medical & Midwifery Care for Mothers, including health care related to pregnancy and the care of the child for six weeks after birth;
- Some personal and social care services, for example, public health nursing, social work services and other community care services based on client need.
The HSE is committed to ensuring that everyone who is eligible for a medical card received one as quickly as possible and that those who are no longer eligible do not continue to hold cards. If you are not eligible for a medical card, you may be eligible for a GP Visit Card or the Long Term Illness Scheme.
Your Guide to Medical Cards and GP Visit Cards
This means that you will not be subject to financial assessment but will still need to complete an application form.
EU Eligibility
Where a person is EU-insured with a different country, and resident in Ireland, they can apply for a Medical Card. An application form must be completed, and returned with the appropriate E or S form from the competent institution of the state in which they are insured, or submit proof of their current state pension payment from the Department of Work and Pensions, UK.
They may be entitled to a Medical Card provided they are not subject to Irish social welfare security legislation. A person is considered subject to Irish social security legislation if s/he is in receipt of a contributory Irish social welfare payment or engaged in work in Ireland and subject to PRSI. The submission of the Medical Card application assists the National Medical Card Unit confirm eligibility under these regulations.