Donegal Inishowen
The history of Cumann Muinteoiri Scortha Inis Eoghain can be traced back to the 1990s.In 2004 May Barr and Seamus McTague were elected as Chairperson and Secretary respectively.There were 13 people present at that meeting.The priority at that meeting was to increase the attendance at the meetings.It was decided to invite a guest speaker to the Winter meetings.These guest speakers have dealt with a number of topics e.g.Social Welfare benefits,Ageing, Active Retirement Groups and Wills.Group members have also spoken on topics that interest them.One member spoke about songs and stories collected by children in the Clonmany area and another member talked about voluntary work with his daughter in Madagascar.We normally have around 20 members at the meeting but we had 33 members out of 65 present on the day a local solicitor came to speak to us.We realised the importance of having a speaker at the Winter meeting to supplement the attendance of the General Secretary at our Summer meetings.
Next Branch Meeting
Details of the next meeting will be published here as soon as they become available..
Branch Officers
Danny Sharkey
Kay Conaghan
No Info
Contact Us
Kay: 087-4101651