Procedures to be Adopted on the Death of a Retired Teacher.
- Teacher’s Pension – Write to:-
- Retired Teacher’s Payments Section, Department of Education & Skills, Cornmaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
- Telephone: 09064 83995
- Inform them of the name and date of death and request:-
- Application form for spouse’s and children’s pension (see notes below)
- Statement of all monies due to the deceased’s estate.
- Application form for children’s allowance for any eligible children.
Any pension cheque for the deceased which arrives after the death must be returned to the Department for re-calculation. Pension which has been paid directly into a bank account will be recouped by the Department themselves and again will be re-calculated up to the date of death.
When writing to the Department, always quote the payroll number of the deceased. This can be found in the centre quite near the top of the pension payslip (7 digits or 6 digits and X or Y) e.g.: 1234567 or 123456Y.
2) Social Welfare Widow’s/Widower’s Contributory Pension.
All surviving spouses (men and women) are entitled to a Contributory Social Welfare Widow’s/Widower’s/Surviving Civil Partner’s Pension on the death of their spouse/partner. They may also be entitled to other benefits – living alone allowance and free schemes (Free Electricity Allowance, TV Licence) – depending on age. Explanatory fact sheet 5/49 and application form SCPI are available from all Social Welfare Offices or from the internet.
Forms for application for this pension may be downloaded from the internet – Social Welfare – Contributory Pension or from any Social Welfare Office or any Citizens’ Information Bureau Office.
Please note that an individual is entitled to one Social Welfare Pension only. Surviving spouses will not get an Old Age Pension (if applicable) as well as a Widow’s/Widower’s Pension. They will get the higher of the two.
3) Bereavement Grant.
Some confusion may arise over the Social Welfare Bereavement Grant. Please note that this grant ceased with effect from 1st January 2014. The grant therefore applies only in cases of death before this date. No Social Welfare grant is available for deaths after this date.
4 )Voluntary Health Insurance/LAYA/Healthcare /Aviva
Inform V.H.I., LAYA HEALTHCARE, AVIVA or GLOHEALTH of the death in order to ensure continuing cover for surviving spouse/family members. Quote reference number.
This should be done as soon as possible after the death by telephone call and followed by a letter.
5) Income Tax.
It is important to inform the Revenue authorities of the death.
Quote the PPS number (tax number).
Write to the regional tax office of the deceased – address on all recent Tax Credit Certificates.
Send a death certificate and ask for a review of the taxation. A rebate may be due and it is also important to have the surviving spouse’s own taxation position put in order as soon as possible.
6) Credit Union Insurance.
If the deceased had been a member of a Credit Union(s) some insurances may apply. This will depend on the shares the member maintained up to and after age 55 and the age at death. Extra insurance will apply if the particular Credit Union held membership of a special Death Benefit Insurance scheme. Contact the relevant Credit Union(s). A death certificate will be required.
7) Probate of Will.
Have probate properly executed for the Will of the deceased or arrange Letters of Administration. This matter is usually handled by a Solicitor or other individual familiar with the procedure.
* The Spouses’ and Orphans’ Pension scheme was introduced for men in 1969. It was optional for male teachers already in the service at that time but became compulsory for those joining the service thereafter. The surviving widows of those retired male teachers who were in the scheme will be entitled to a Department of Education Spouse’s Pension i.e. half of the late retired teacher’s pension as well as the Social Welfare pension referred to at 2 above.
* A similar scheme was introduced for women teachers in 1981. Again, it was optional for those already teaching but became compulsory for those entering the service after that date. The surviving spouses of those who opted to join the scheme will be eligible for both these pensions as well. Spouses of those who did not opt to join the scheme in 1981 will not be eligible for the D.E.S. pension but will be eligible for the Social Welfare Pension at 2 above.
- When a retired teacher dies, a number of death certificates should be obtained at the time as only original death certificates (no photocopies) will be accepted when applying for the pensions and benefits referred to above. Application for Death Certificate to: Civil Registration Office, Office of the Registrar General, Government Offices, Convent Road, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon. Tel: +353 90 663 2900
- Locall:1890 25 20 76
- Homepage:
- Email:
General Secretary, RTAI, Vere Foster House, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin, 1.