The second RTAI Branch Officers Conference will take place this year on October 1st at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin 1. At this year’s conference Branch Secretaries and Treasurers have been invited to take part in the half day event which will include a breakout session for each role.

It is understood many branches will not have a designated Treasurer role as yet, but those members who carry out the task of Treasurer (as opposed to Auditor, which carries different responsibilities),in addition to the Branch Secretaries, were the Committee members identified by the NEC for participation at this Conference, especially if they are new to the role.

The ultimate decision on which two Branch Officers are nominated to attend is entirely up to the Branch Officers/Committee. However, only one delegate per branch will be able to attend the separate breakout sessions which will occur at the same time. The nomination form and the draft programme were sent to the Branch Secretaries on August 16th with a requested return date of September 17th.